HELLO ALL!!!!!!!
I want to welcome all of you to my blog! Let me start off by introducing myself. My name is Matthew Ragas and I want to help you change your life! This is going to be a blog where you can stop by and get quick tips on health, fitness and living a fuller more rewarding life. I want you to ask questions and leave comments. This will be a totally interactive experience.
I really believe that we, as Americans, have been bombarded with awful amounts of product placement. Horrible food that is doing nothing but clogging our arteries, giving us diabetes, and making us the fattest nation in the world! It really hurts my heart when i see whole families who are all over weight. If you think that this might be you, there is no judgement here, I just want to help. I want to help you break this cycle. You and your children deserve better. Through this blog I'm going to help you realize how to make good healthy food, how to exercise, how to make time for both of these thing! Time and not knowing what to eat or what to do at the gym is the biggest excuse i hear when people have let themselves go. WELL NO MORE EXCUSES! I am here to help! No judgements! Just fun free help!
You can expect to see exercises and cooking videos, debunking of so called "healthy" products, easy tips on how to make quick DELICIOUS meals! Yes the food will taste different. It will feel different in your mouth. But the benefits that you feel in your body, skin and energy levels will astonish you! I want you to be ready for change. Know that it will feel different, sometime it will feel easier to run right back to Taco Bell or McDonald's but you have to be persistent! Don't let these huge corporations make your decisions for you! Be a smart consumer! Your probably asking "WELL! I bet you eat fast food sometimes!" AND YOUR RIGHT!!!! LOL! Yes i love me some Popeye's and CANES is my biggest weakness! Thank the LORD that they don't have one in NYC! But I just don't eat these things often. Just occasionally! Once or Twice a month! THAT'S IT! If you are feeding you or your family fast food more than once a week you really are slowly killing your family. I promise these companies are only worried about your dollar, not your hearts or your lives! BUT I AM!
SO AGAIN WELCOME TO MATTHEW RAGAS HEALTH AND LIVING!!!!!! Thank you for coming by and I hope you get some great information. I CANT WAIT FOR YOUR QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS!!!